Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Artist: Boards of Canada Album: Tommorrows Harvest

Ever had one of those days where it seems nothing is going right, and there is nothing that can seem to calm down your temper for the day? Well there may be a cure for this, and its Boards of Canada!

Boards of Canada  is a Scottish electronic music duo consisting of brothers Michael Sandison and Marcus Eoin .They have released several works on Warp Records with little advertising and few interviews, while also having an elusive and obscure back-catalogue of releases on their self-run Music70 label.

I know what you are probably thinking, Boards of Canada is pretty well known aren't they? Yes and no. Boards of Canada is a very popular group within their home country, but here in the U.S., their style of music to most people is seen as boring, to chill, and "not music".

When actually, they are the polar opposite of the previous sentence. Boards of Canada has always been a very chilled, electronic/indie group,who's tones could make you relax even on your worse days. They are true artists in the electronic music scene, blending all the sounds of the worlds into their music, and especially this CD.

 With Tomorrows Harvest, Boards of Canada have again proven themselves to be masters of electronic music. The album is perhaps the darkest one they’ve made, with a subtle eeriness that finds its way into every song. Tomorrows Harvest continues to improve upon their previous works, and gives you a great mixture of techno based tones, and chill wave tones as well.

If you are looking for something new in the electronic scene then Boards of Canada is for you! 

Boards of Canada   Tomorrow's Harvest

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